Progress report on novel micro-GC chiral-MS 

at Micro Nano Conference, University of Twente, NL, Nov 2022

At the international conference of the Netherlands Association of Micro Systems and Nanotechnology (MinacNed), which was held at the campus of the University of Twente, NL, on 1 and 2 November 2022, our public-private EFRO-consortium of MassSpecpecD BV, Qmicro by Sensirion, Radboud University, University of Twente and Saxion University of Applied Sciences presented a progress report on our novel prototype machine for direct MS analysis of the enantiomeric excess of mixtures of chiral molecules. The novel prototype apparatus combines micro-Gas Chromatography and direct chiral Mass Spectrometry using laser-based imaging of PhotoElectron Circular Dichroism (PECD). 

Dr. Samir Sadek

University of Twente, NL

Dr. Samir Sadek presented the latest results from our EFRO microGC-chiralMS prototype machine in a contributed poster, especially focusing on the high-level DSMC simulations and the microfabricated de Laval nozzle, fabricated by DRIE (Deep Reactive Ion Etching) technology at the Mesa+ Nanolab cleanroom at the University of Twente. The microfabricated de Laval nozzle is specially designed to couple the microGC output into the novel chiral Mass Spectrometer with extremely high density overlap between the supersonic gas jet and the focused high-repetition UV ultrafast laser radiation, see the poster of Samir at this link (Minac-poster-2022 pdf).

The international MicroNanoConference brings together science and industry to show how micro and nanotechnology can help to tackle social issues in Nano4Society. The international MicroNanoConference has a solid track record in bringing together the elements of the value chain. The active involvement of industry, science and user community of microsystems and nanotechnology is the hallmark of this conference.

Academia and industry, researchers, engineers and policymakers discuss the latest developments. The conference spans basic research, engineering science, technology, equipment and instrumentation. Industrial applications, impact on society and business define the context.



The programme offers a wide range of interesting topics and speakers. For example, talk about the Focus on Technologies for Therapeutic purposes in the breakout session Nano4Health or hear how to get your company’s scale-up on the right track organisationally and financially. The latest insights around quantum, nanotechnology and micromanufactoring and microfluidics are also part of the programme.

MinacNed is a trade association with the aim of strengthening economic activity based on microsystems and nanotechnology. The members consist of research institutes, the manufacturing industry, suppliers, integrators and end-users of products and services that are made possible by, or make use of, micro and/or nanotechnology.

The core activities of MinacNed contribute to providing a platform for sustainable economic and social value creation and the provision of an ecosystem for researchers, entrepreneurs and policy makers. This platform is created by organizing events and the international MicroNanoConference for our members.