Dr. Arno Vredenborg joins as Chief Technology Officer
Post date: Jul 14, 2018 8:3:36 AM
We are very pleased to inform you that dr. Arno Vredenborg has joined us as Chief Technology Officer and will start effectively as of September 2018. Dr. Vredenborg did his Masters and PhD studies at LaserLaB VU University Amsterdam and defended his PhD thesis on Coincidence electron and ion imaging of femtosecond laser induced dynamics in atoms and molecules on 2 November 2009.
After Post-doctoral studies from 2009-2011 at Roentdek Handels GmbH and Goethe University Frankfurt, he joined Philips Research in Eindhoven in April 2011, where he worked on various projects related to semiconductor lasers (VCSELs) and medical in vitro diagnostic devices (IVDs) for industrialization. He joined the optics group in 2013 to work on new optical concepts for outdoor illumination. In the first half of 2016 he worked as a development engineer for Philips Lumec in Montreal, Canada. In the Fall of 2016 dr. Vredenborg returned to the High Tech Campus of Philips Lighting in Eindhoven, where he continued research, product design and software development on illumination optics for outdoor applications.
Dr. Vredenborg has now joined dr. Janssen to further develop the technology and the applications of laser-based MS-PECD for direct Mass Spectrometry of multi-component chiral molecules.
The cover of the PhD Thesis of dr. Arno Vredenborg. A full pdf copy of the Thesis can be downloaded from the VU University Amsterdam Thesis repository: dare.ubvu.vu.nl/handle/1871/15437