MS-PECD introduced in lecture at IMSC2018 in Florence, Italy, 26-31 August 2018
Post date: Sep 12, 2018 10:9:49 AM
During the biannual XXII International Mass Spectrometry Conference in Florence, Italy, our Founder&CEO dr. Janssen presented a lecture on MS-PECD in a session on Chiral Discrimination.
As the previous editions, IMSC 2018 covered all aspects of Mass Spectrometry, from fundamentals to instrumentation and applications. The conference was organized with short courses, tutorial lectures, oral and poster sessions, workshops, awards, commercial exhibition, social program and companies user meetings. In particular there were sessions on Life Sciences, Instrumentation and Methods, Food and Beverage, Fundamental Mass Spectrometry, and Organic & Inorganic MS. Some 1600 participants attended and presented more than 200 lectures and 1000 posters. For a detailed program see the conference Program here (pdf).
The complete and published Book of Abstracts of IMSC2018 can be downloaded here (pdf link).
The conference was organized by the International Mass Spectrometry Foundation and during the meeting the Thomson Award 2018 and the Nico Nibbering travel fellowships were awarded.