Progress update presented at VMI-workshop 

CFEL/DESY Hamburg, Germany, 16-17 October 2024

On 16-17 Oct 204, the CEO of MassSpecpecD BV, dr. Janssen presented the latest update on the chiral Mass Spectrometer development, and the progress on our special micro-fabricated rectangular de Laval micro nozzles at a special Velocity Map Imaging workshop at the Centre for Free Electron Laser (CFEL), based on the campus of DESY.  CFEL/DESY hosted this inaugural VMI User Meeting on 16-17 Oct 2024. This VMI-workshop is dedicated to bringing together researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts from around the world to discuss the latest developments, applications, and future directions in Velocity Map Imaging technology.

The meeting featured a series of presentations from leading experts in the field, highlighting recent advancements and applications of VMI in various scientific disciplines. Keynote speakers from both academic and industrial backgrounds will provide insights into current challenges and emerging opportunities within the VMI community. 

Opening of the VMI workshop by Chairman Prof. Jochen Kuepper (CFEL 16 Oct 2024).

The program and website of the inaugural VMI workshop can be found here:

Janssen @ CFEL

CFEL building

DESY campus

Poster & Dinner

David Chandler live zoom-talk (16 Oct 2024)

Maurice Janssen (right) at Poster Presentation (16 Oct 2024)

Photo of Amsterdam Piezo Valve in Laser Desorption Machine at CFEL / DESY laboratories, next to Maurice Janssen. The APV-laser desorption photo hangs next to the entrance of the office of Prof. Jochen Kuepper at CFEL (Hamburg, 16 Oct 2024).

An extensive publication on the performance of the laser desorption source with the APV valve that is used to internally cool the desorbed molecules can be found at this link:

JCP 2017 Laser desorption paper (pdf).