Progress report on novel micro-GC chiral-MS
at Dutch annual AMO conference, Egmond aan Zee, NL, Oct 2022
At the 45th annual conference of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, which was held at conference center "Hotel Zuiderduin" in Egmond aan Zee on 4 and 5 October 2022, our public-private EFRO-consortium of MassSpecpecD BV, Qmicro by Sensirion, Radboud University, University of Twente and Saxion University of Applied Sciences presented a progress report on our novel prototype machine for direct MS analysis of the enantiomeric excess of mixtures of chiral molecules. The novel prototype apparatus combines micro-Gas Chromatography and direct chiral Mass Spectrometry using laser-based imaging of PhotoElectron Circular Dichroism (PECD).
Dr. Peter Krueger,
Radboud University, NL
Dr. Peter Krueger presented the latest results from our EFRO microGC-chiralMS prototype machine in a contributed poster, especially focusing on the new chiral MassSpec apparatus that was built at the Institute for Molecules and Materials at Radboud University, and the latest Time-of-Flight mass spectra of the chiral Fenchone molecule and the first PhotoElectron Velocity Map Images taken with a high-repetition UV ultrafast solid state laser, see the poster of Peter at this link (AMO-poster-2022 pdf).
Some 100+ participants from all Dutch Universities and national Physics research Institutes like AMOLF Amsterdam presented the latest progress in the field of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics in invited and short oral contributions, in addition to contributed poster presentations.
The full program and book of abstracts of the conference can be found here (Book-of-Abstracts-2022 pdf).
The annual AMO meeting is sponsored by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and Netherlands' Physical Society (NNV).