MassSpecpecD BV becomes associate partner of European-Funded Marie Curie Innovative Training Network ASPIRE

Post date: Jan 10, 2017 3:7:41 PM

In April 2016 the new ASPIRE (Angular Studies of Photoelectron in Innovative Research Environments) Network started with a kick-off meeting by the groupleaders and associate partners in Nottingham, UK. The ASPIRE network, chaired by Prof. Katharine Reid, and funded within the EU Horizon2020 program, will focus on the measurement of Molecular Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions (MF-PADs), which can be interpreted as electron diffraction patterns achieved by “illuminating the molecule from within”, and enable the electronic structure and dynamics of molecules to be interrogated. Progress in this area is highly technologically driven, requiring ever more sophisticated light sources and faster detectors. The input of private sector beneficiaries and partner organizations is therefore critical to the scientific objectives, as well as to the enhanced training environment provided by the network.

In December 2016 a first meeting was held in Aarhus introducing the new Early Stage Researchers to the network participants.

Further info on the ASPIRE network can be found here: